Monday, May 30, 2011

U.S. itself is laying the ground for reign of Islam in world: Iranian commander

So, yet another statement of Islamic supremacism (fascism), at least honest about Islamic goal - i.e. the whole world under Sharia law - along with admission that Islam and Islamic culture are parasites.

How should this be viewed as it is just coming after fews days after similar statements from an Iranian minster? Of course, media will continue to neglect such statements coming from Muslims but pouncing on opposition to Islamic fascism.

Any way, US may be doing technological side but it is not possible with out infidel politicians like politicians in India are so busy (and competitive) laying the ground for an Indian Islamic republic.
TEHRAN - Basij Commander Mohammad-Reza Naqdi has said that the United States is setting the stage for the future dominance of Islam over the world by its own hands.
“The United States, through expanding communications, is developing the infrastructures for the universal reign of Islam. Expansion of communications in the world has provided a historic opportunity for the faster and wider propagation of the Islamic Revolution and the thoughts of the Late Imam (Khomeini, the Founder of the Islamic Republic) throughout the world and (the opportunity) must be used appropriately,” Naqdi stated in Tehran on Sunday.
Elsewhere in his remarks, the Basij commander made a mockery of U.S. President Barack Obama’s recent call for Israel to halt its settlement activity in the West Bank and said, “Our recommendation to the Zionists is that they push ahead with their settlement activity in the occupied territories, regardless of the U.S. president’s remarks so that the Palestinians, who will return to their homeland soon, would not face housing problems.”
Naqdi also said, “Today the world’s nations have chosen the Islamic Republic as their leader, and as the first step, Muslims in the region will soon bring the borders of the Middle East back to the lines set before 1919.”
He was referring to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, organized by the victors of World War I to negotiate the peace treaties between the Allied and Associated Powers and the defeated Central Powers, which led to the conclusion of a number of peace treaties that reshaped the map of Europe and the world.
In addition, Naqdi announced that a new branch of the Basij organization, made up of members from the engineering graduates in the field of information and communication technology, will be established in the near future. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Christian in Algeria imprisoned for 5 years for sharing his faith with a Muslim

Here, I just keep asking for an example of a Muslim majority country that is secular and democratic. Sure, some ignorant people will come up with 2 or 3 names but a simple google check on these give a  contradictory situation existing on ground. It is pertinent to recall that OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries) - a representative body of 57 Muslim majority nations - declared in the year 1991 that their source of laws will be Sharia law and Sharia law will be the ultimate arbitrator in resolving issues. Sharia law effectively bans propagation of any other faith, construction or reparation  of churches or temples and celebration of non-Islamic festivals in public etc.

In line with this kind of philosophy, Algeria shuts down 7 churches and imprisons a Christian because he was sharing his faith with a Muslim (here).
Washington -- International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that an Algerian Christian was sentenced to five years imprisonment for blasphemy in Oran on Wednesday after sharing his Christian faith with a neighbor. The verdict came days after authorities forced the permanent closure of seven Protestant churches in Algeria's Béjaia province.
Siagh Krimo was charged by the Criminal Court of the Djamel District in Oran, who based their decision on Article 144 bis 2 of the Penal Code which criminalizes acts that "insult the prophet and any of the messengers of God, or denigrate the creed and precepts of Islam, whether by writing, drawing, declaration, or any other means." Krimo has ten days to appeal the sentence.
Krimo, who is married with a nine month old child, was arrested on April 14, along with another Christian, Sofiane, after sharing his Christian faith with a neighbor. Sofiane was released soon after the arrest, while Krimo was detained for three days. Krimo was known to hold weekly prayer services at his home, which Algerian Christians suspect were being closely monitored by the police........
One can read the full report from above given link.

These same Islamic nations spend Billions of Dollars for propagation of Islamic faith in infidel majority countries like USA, Europe and India etc.. They sponsor construction of mega mosques and Islamic centers - supposedly cultural but the real purpose is conversion - in all most all non-Muslim majority nations.

If ever one questions this one way traffic, so called Muslim reformers and their non-Muslim apologetics come up with bizarre arguments in Islam's defense ranging from 'Islam followed by all present day Islamic countries is not real Islam' to 'this is because of arrogance of petro dollars'.

After 1400 years, Muslim majority states do not know about their true Islam!!!

'Islamophobia' in 'INDIA TODAY'

Considering that saying anything that sheds light on intolerant nature of Islam, Muslim societies and inherent Islamic hatred towards non-Muslims is labelled as Islamophobia, this article on condition of Hindus in Pakistan under the title 'Soft Target in Pakistan:Abduction, oppression and forced conversion is fate of Hindus in Pak' is bit unusual for an entity like India Today.

Complete reading, but, conveys that the report is well with in the secular parameters of India Today because apart from mentioning certain atrocities and institutionalized discrimination against Hindus, it does not offer any significant  insight or reasons behind those atrocities. In addition, it presents some half truths and dangerous reasonings. Central theme of presentation of a catalog of crimes against religious minorities in Islamic nations is the axiom  that Islam and its tenets have nothing to do with such crimes as Islam teaches tolerance!

Sure, report mentions some crimes like abduction of girls and use of blasphemy law by Muslims against their Hindu competitors but it almost tries to portray that reasons for this crimes are 'so called' atrocities against Muslims in India and Indian occupation of Kashmir.

So, Muslims of Pakistan and its Govt. have no control over their actions or deeds or their policies thus, they can not be held accountable and are blameless. In short words, Hindus in India and India are responsible for events happening in Pakistan and it is duty and responsibility of India to ensure civilized behavior from Pakistan.

One can ask, "Will India Today report the crimes committed by Muslims of India in West Bengal, Kerala and Assam? Did it report on Islamic Jihad - that took place in October 2010 - in Deganga?" It can not and will not.

Lets ask India Today if it reports and publishes how those Hindus - who migrated to India - are treated by so called secular outfits like Congress and Communists in India. It will simply not.

Lot of Indian media esp. English is distrusted and loathed by educated and English speaking Indian middle class which is also their main customer base; so, this base can not be neglected and publishing of such thrash report is their version of proof for showing they are not anti-Hindu.

One can read the published report from here.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Islam is a religion of peace?

So sad that so many Muslims including Muslim women do not understand this! So, we have this kind of protests by Muslims in London during the visit of US President to UK.

Pictures courtesy: mail on line (here)

In Oslo, Muslim men account for majority of rape crimes

"A Pakistani Muslim man in Oslo, convicted of rape crime, said that he had the right to do exactly as he wanted to a woman. Why? Because that is how it was in his religion. Women did not have rights or opinions. He was in charge." (watch the video below)

We have seen how Muslim men account for more than 82% of rapes in Sweden (here). We have seen how Muslim men in UK were engaged in sexual Jihad (here).

For all this epidemic of rape, we have seen Muslim imams declaring that it is not the fault of Muslim men for rape but it is the fault of infidel women not wearing veil (here).

This war upon infidel women by Muslim men unlikely to cease because of political correctness creeping in to every institution in all non-Muslim majority nations, which simply forbids identifying criminals as they are. In UK, all these criminals involved in rape assaults were mentioned as of Asian origin while other European nations use the word 'of non-Western origin'.

EVERY SINGLE RAPE and sexual assault in the last year in Oslo, Norway was committed by Muslims

Friday, May 27, 2011

Iranian intelligence minister says, "The future of world, including US and West, is Islam"

Honorable Iranian minister didn't leave out India, an example of secularism, from Islam's ultimate achievement. And, this is what vast majority of Muslims, in India or outside, do believe in i.e. the whole world being ruled under sharia law for the simple reason being that Allah says so in Koran in number of Koranic verses (9:33, 61:09, 48:28) and also the knowledge of many Muslims actively involved in Jihad [violent or stealth(peaceful) jihad like love jihad, immigration and high birth rates].

Minister is also under no delusion - like many non-Muslims deliberately believing in Arab spring of revolts resulting in secularism and democracy - about the true nature of all those protests in Islamic countries.

But, it is nothing wrong for any Muslim to say such things but it is a hate crime against Muslims and an act of Islamophobia to report and discuss such things. (original report)

“The recent events … show that the future of the world, including [that of] the US and Europe, belongs to Islam,” Moslehi said at a conference in the central Iranian city of Karaj on Thursday.

The intelligence minister pointed to the recent popular revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen and other anti-government uprisings across the Arab world and argued that all of these movements are of Islamic nature, inspired by the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

Moslehi referred to the West's “confusion” over the wave of the Islamic awakening, saying Western countries try to attribute the movements to “non-Islamic” roots.

The recent visits by US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to different parts of the world, particularly to the Middle Eastern countries, are aimed at “preventing further losses to the US interests in the region,” he added.

Moslehi called on regional heads of states, especially Saudi officials, not to follow the US path, because they themselves will eventually “get entangled with the Islamic awakening.”

In recent months, a wave of revolutions and anti-government uprisings has swept the Arab world.

In January, a revolution in Tunisia ended the 23-year ruling of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

In February, another revolution led to the ouster of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak after three decades of authoritarian rule.

Other revolutions have erupted in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain, while more anti-government upheavals have swept Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman and Algeria.

Meanwhile, more Arab countries are expected to witness similar revolts.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Surge in abduction of Christian girls in Egypt

Abul Fazl, in Akbar Nama, says that many Muslim officers used to proceed to the villages and mahals to sack Hindus. In these sackings, normally the women and children were driven away. In Akbar’s reign it became a fashion to raid a village or a group of villages without any obvious justification, and carry off the inhabitants as slaves.’ (India at the Death of Akbar, Low Price Publications, New Delhi, page 92)

It is no wonder then that Abdulla Khan Uzbeg, a general of Akbar, had boastfully declared: ‘I made prisoners of five lacs (500,000) of men and women and sold them. They all became Muhammadans. From their progeny, there will be crores (one crore = ten million) by the Day of Judgment.’ (K.S.Lal (1994), p. 73)

It is a core policy and a principle of Islam from the time of Islam's Prophet to the present day to make infidel women as sex slaves and from their progeny future Muslim warriors [This is how Ottoman Caliphate came in to existence]. In many Muslim countries, like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt and in India too, abduction of non-Muslim women goes un checked. This practice quite very well serves Islam as it humiliates non-Muslims - just like Koran commanded them to - and it eliminates females of childbearing years from the gene pool of non-Muslims - along with a dent in population of non-Muslims - and forces them to produce Muslim offspring (children) instead.

Coming to Egypt, it was never a secular country and this kind of abduction of Coptic girls always took place; with the end of Mubarak's regime and possibility of Islamists coming to power, this kind of activities i.e. violence against Coptics will only increase.

No Going Back for Egypt's Converted Copts

Amid the upheavals in Egypt since January, reports have begun to emerge of a surge in disappearances of Coptic girls.

One priest in Cairo estimates that at least 21 young girls, many as young as 14, have disappeared from his parish alone.

In most cases, when a Christian girl who disappears is found by her family, she has been converted to Islam and married. The Coptic authorities, have even set up a series of refuges in monasteries to handle the growing numbers of girls who wish to return to their families, many of whom are not accepted by their family of origin.

But a worse problem for these women is that their conversion to Islam is irreversible.

Religion is stated on Egyptian ID documents and even though secular law provides for reversions, under the growth of sharia they are very difficult, except for those affording legal advocacy.

This situation is not unique to Egypt. There have been consistent reports of girls being coerced into Islamic conversion and marriage in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

That many of these girls are initially runaways is not in doubt. However, there is also evidence that a huge number are converted and married against their will.

The situation was documented in a controversial report published in 2009 on conversion and forced marriage of Coptic women by Washington DC-based Christian Solidarity International. The authors are Washington academic Michele Clark and Egyptian Coptic broadcast journalist Nadia Ghaly, based in Melbourne.

Between 2005 and 2008 they interviewed and documented 50 Egyptian women, mostly aged between 14 and 25, who had decided to return to their families. All claim to have been tricked, coerced or raped, converted to Islam and married. Most of the interviewees were trying to reconvert to their Christian identity, with limited or no success. The report's conclusions were printed in several major publications, including Forbes magazine.

Since the so-called Arab Spring, and the ensuing riots at Christian churches, the authors are trying to bring the subject of forced conversion and marriage to greater prominence.

Both groups live extremely closed, highly traditional separate lives and the norms surrounding marriage and sex are almost medieval, says Ghaly.

So, for example, it is not unheard of for a young Christian girl from a poor family to run away from an arranged marriage. Yet a high proportion of these women claim coercion, even rape, despite the shame that such a claim will cause if the girl wishes to return.

Many claim they were kept as virtual slaves. Others who were able to leave could not bring their children. Ghaly claims this is more than overt religious oppression, and amounts to "a form of cultural genocide".

She cites a document published by Human Rights Watch in November 2007, which says that even if Coptic women can obtain a divorce from their Muslim husband, those who wish to return to Christianity "meet with refusal and harassment from the Civil Status Department of the Ministry of Interior".

Under sharia law, reconversion is considered apostasy punishable by death.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

'Waking up to the reality of the Religion of Peace'

"I started this journey after 9/11, but not immediately after. As shocked as I was that nearly 3,000 lives were brutally snuffed out by Islamic terrorists, I bought the line that George Bush and Tony Blair parroted; namely, that Islam is a “religion of peace” that had been “hijacked” by extremists. So, I dismissed Osama bin Laden as nothing more than a homicidal extremist, and I really didn’t examine it any deeper. But then I happened to see a billboard on Sunset Blvd. around May 2005. The billboard had some words on it I had never seen before, including “dhimmitude”, “Eurabia” and “Bat Y’eor”, and the address of a website,"

Above are the words of 'some one' put up by Bill Myers at which can be read from here .How much good it will do to humanity if all non-Muslims do the same thing i.e. learning about Islam from Islamic sources. 

Islamic leaders of Malaysia question rights of non-Muslims

About 60% of population in Malaysia is Muslim and its constitution declares Islam as official religion. It also prohibits propagation of other religions to Muslims; Muslims converting to another is religion is effectively banned while non-Muslims can convert to Islam.

Besides these, other privileges or special rights also were given to Muslims over non-Muslims (here) constitutionally.

The Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) clarifies that, firstly, Islam rejects religious pluralism which claims that all religions are equally true and equally good (here).

Recently, Malaysian govt. confiscated Bibles printed in Malay because they were using the word Allah (which is in usage by Malaysian Christians for centuries), which ultimately lead to protests from Christians, who constitute about10% of population.

With this back ground, some Muslim politicians in Malaysia warned Christians not to make unreasonable demands: Don’t test patience of Malays, Perkasa warns Christians .  (10th April, 2011)

Another report: Perkasa ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians (15th May, 2011)

Ultimately we have this:  Islamic leaders question non-Muslim rights ( 23rd May, 2011)
...................... Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) deputy president, Dr Mohd Rumaizuddin Ghazali, also stressed that Malaysia must never become a secular state.
“This is why many non-Muslim politicians want to declare the country as a secular state because then the government will not have fund religious programmes.
“They are scared that if we accept Malaysia as an Islamic state then there are many implications which means that only Muslims have the right to lead the country,” he said.
Mohd Rumaizuddin added that the Malays are beginning to be trampled on and non-Muslims are starting to take advantage of the community.
“Because of politics, we are still not free after more than 50 years of independence,” he said.
Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia president Abdul Hakim Othman added the country’s constitution must be replaced as it has been stained by the colonial British.
“A Caliphate state is based on divine revelation. It is not a democratic or a theocratic state. It is only an Islamic state when the constitution is based on the Quran and prophetic traditions,” he said.

Even in the face of institutionalized discrimination towards non-Muslims, only Muslims can boast about tolerance. Or, they intend to make dhimmi covenant fully applied.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Islamic Paradise, Houris and Sex

People might be wondering why Muslims alone carry out so many suicide bombings (or missions) so often  killing themselves and also others, considered as infidels in their language. One might contemplate  the motivations behind such acts! Sure, there are many reasons behind such acts and one such is attaining entry in to Paradise.

Also, it is not uncommon to come across some prominent Muslims declaring proudly that life in this world is not important but life in ‘hereafter’ [Life after death] is more important in Islamic view e.g. the view of the so called moderate Muslim: Imam Rauf, the brain behind $100 million mega imperial mosque in New York near ground zero.

Or who might proudly declare like this: Americans love Pepsi Cola; we (Muslims) love Death.

Or who might try to blow themselves, including young boys, up to kill others to enter paradise.

Or consider the following verse:
009.038(YUSUFALI): O you who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when you are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.
Death, ‘hereafter’ and Paradise! For now, with out getting in to details of ‘hereafter’ lets look at the concept of Paradise as described in Koran and traditions of Prophet Mohammad (hadith). For people with critical minds, this concept of paradise in Islam explains a lot about primitiveness, shrewdness and, more importantly, psychological portrait of Prophet Mohammad.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

An Exemplary Imam from Florida

In addition to providing money to Taliban, when fighters in Afghanistan had killed seven American soldiers, Imam Khan “declared his wish that 'Allah' bring death to 50,000 Americans more.”

Many times in this blog, I mentioned and have written about Taqiyya or doctrine of Taqiyya. It is simply about Allah telling Muslims that they can lie to non-Muslims to advance Islamic cause i.e. for realizing ultimate Islamic goal of the whole world governed under Sharia law. For literal meaning, one can read from Tafsir of Ibn Kathir. Classical Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir writes that believers, who fear for their safety from disbelievers, are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly [or for the purpose of advancing Islam]. For instance, Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda' said, "We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them.''  How about smiling and waging Jihad behind?

If Jihad means striving to impose sharia law on the world by any means, Taqiyya [Doctrine of Taqiyya] simply extends the scope of means of Jihad.

We see this practice of Taqiyya in present day world when Muslim representatives and spokesmen in non-Muslim majority nations consistently keep misguiding non-Muslims on notions of Islamic peace, Jihad, institutions of dhimma and Sharia and with statements like Islam respects all religions and guarantees freedom of religion.

Recently in Florida, three people (one Imam and his two sons) of Pakistani origin - two of them being Imams - were arrested on charges of supporting terrorism through raising funds for Taliban (here).

It is the dual life of father - 76 year old with the name Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan (also a imam) - that merits attention of non-Muslims.

In one life, he was calm and gives peaceful sermons in the mosque and stresses that Islam is non-violent and peaceful; Miami Herald writes (here or here):
Unlike other U.S. Muslims who have been accused of supporting terrorism or engaging in terrorist acts, Imam Khan is a well-known and respected figure in Miami. He did not keep to the shadows, as have other terrorist suspects, and his public life yielded no clue that he might be involved in radical activity. Instead, he led prayers at a mosque five times a day and counseled the faithful. Instead of delivering jihadist sermons, the 76-year-old religious leader preached the traditional, mainstream version of Islam that rejects violence and stresses peace and the sanctity of life. By all accounts, he is habitually soft-spoken and avoids harsh language.
How can Miami herald come to the opinion that what he was preaching in mosque is mainstream Islam? Call it ignorance and constrains of political correctness. 

His other life includes raising money to fund activities of Taliban - $50,000 in transactions - to buy guns, to support militants families and supporting cause of Taliban. Besides this, charges also include that imam opened a madrassa in swat valley that shelters members of Pakistan's Taliban and tranis children to become militants or suicide bombers, like this report suggests.

Attorney of Department of Justice quotes (here):
Despite being an Imam, or spiritual leader, Hafiz Khan was by no means a man of peace.   Instead, as today’s charges show, he acted with others to support terrorists to further acts of murder, kidnapping and maiming.   But for law enforcement intervention, these defendants would have continued to transfer funds to Pakistan to finance the Pakistani Taliban, including its purchase of guns........the defendants sought to aid the Pakistani Taliban’s fight against the Pakistani government and its perceived allies, including the United States, by supporting acts of murder, kidnapping and maiming in Pakistan and elsewhere, in order to displace the lawful government of Pakistan and to establish strict Islamic law known as Sharia.” 
And also:
.......On another occasion in September 2010, Hafiz Khan participated in a conversation in which he stated that he would provide that individual with contact information for Pakistani Taliban militants in Karachi, and upon hearing that mujahideen in Afghanistan had killed seven American soldiers, declared his wish that 'Allah' kill 50,000 more.
When ever a terrorist act takes place or is averted, immediate response from many Islamic organizations and main stream media is about 'fearing backlash against Muslim community'. A nice way to scuttle any discussion on Islam in this politically correct world!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jihad means defensive war? An Islamic website does not think so

Some months back even officials from Obama administration stated Jihad is a legitimate concept in Islam with out giving any definition of 'Jihad'; probably they were thinking it means spiritual struggle or defensive warfare but never a war against non-Muslims and to impose Islamic law on the world. But those who have read Islamic concept of Jihad and lived Islam knew what it means.

Dokku Abu Usman is often referred to as Osama Bin Laden of Russia and is  self-declared emir (president) of Russian North Caucasus. He says, in an interview to an Islamic website:
The path has been chosen, we know our tasks, and we will not turn back, Insha'Allah, from this path. Today, the battlefield is not just Chechnya and the Caucasus Emirate, but also the whole Russia. The situation is visible to everybody who has eyes. The Jihad is spreading, steadily and inevitably, everywhere......
For the first time in decades, the awakening of the Islamic Ummah from hibernation has become so clear and widespread. The Mujahideen and true scholars operate more than ever simultaneously in different regions of the globe, supporting each other and realizing the common goal. Ordinary Muslims take to the streets and express their support for the Mujahideen, demanding to restore the Sharia......
The only thing I can say for certain is that if there are no armed force of Muslims, no Jihad and no fighting, nobody would allow us to establish the Sharia of Allah. If it were possible, it would have been done already by our Prophet (pbuh).
One can read the full interview from here.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Useful 'idiot' Swami Agnivesh

There are many people who regard Swami(?) Agnivesh as a fraudster. Here, in this report, he becomes a useful idiot for Islamic supremacists. It looks like he spoke to media persons on the sidelines of peace conference (!) on J & K and on various aspects like Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), reasons for insurgency and pilgrimage to Amarnath.

Another dimension is how various media outlets reported this; many reported his enlightened opinions on all issues except on Amarnath pilgrimage (here, here, here, here); I found that only outlook reported the swami's 'sermon' in totality. Selective reporting is not new to media. (one can read the report here)

Advocating immediate revocation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, social activist Swami Agnivesh today demanded an inquiry by a Supreme Court judge into the killing of civilians during last year's summer unrest in Kashmir Valley.
"Firstly, there is need to withdraw AFSPA from Jammu and Kashmir immediately," he told reporters on the sidelines of a "Peace Conference", organized by the J&K Peace Foundation, here.
"There is also need for a probe by a sitting Supreme Court judge into the killing of civilians during violence in the Valley last summer," Agnivesh said.
His portrayal of Army or security personnel, implication is clear, speaks of his ignorance about political and bureaucratic dealings who create mess in the first place then ask Army to sort out the matter; so, it is these two classes that should be prosecuted and first to be done should be clans of first dynasty.

Seeing people dead is bad and unfortunate; but 112 people over a month and with people throwing stones at security personnel, we can only say that protests were handled badly and with out any intentionality; all this is because of poor equipment (gear) given to security personnel by their New Delhi bosses. 
The social activist demanded release of all the youths detained without trial in the past one year in the Valley. "Instead those who have committed the crime should be thrown into jails," he said.
All our politicians should be locked up. Way back I suggested that  instead of Army doing such jobs all the time, politicians also should be asked to do fighting against terrorists, separatists once in a while; this will make them do their job honestly and in better way or else they will equip Army with better gear.
On the Kashmir problem, Agnivesh quipped "it is a political and not a religious issue".
That is why separatists call it Jihad. They blow up churches. Hindus and Sikhs were expelled or forced to leave. If any one found reading Bible will be shot dead. Schools with Christian names, even if owned by Muslims, will be burned. No one should try to proselytize in Valley. If any one speaking against Islam, they will be killed too. Muslim extremists can demand Jizya from non-Muslims. All these things have nothing to do with Islam.
On the annual pilgrimage to the revered cave shrine of Amarnath, Agnivesh said, "I do not understand those who go for the Yatra. It is a religious deception." "I do not believe in this type of religion. Religion is when you seek justice for the poor, for the oppressed," he said.
By this, he endorsed Jizya Govt. of J and K levied on Hindu pilgrims and is like all those dhimmi politicians in New Delhi who never protested against this Jizya.

One question is, what kind of views he has on Muslims making hajj pilgrimage with central got. doling out Rs 1000 crores? Is it enlightenment or deception?

If he could have said this kind on hajj, he would be seeking some special protection cover because by this time many fatwas might have been issued on his head.

So, it is OK and safe to insult or question Hindu faith or rituals, more so when it brings rich rewards and dividends from media and liberals and from present Govt..

But, why did media report his remarks? Is he some kind of person with huge influence? Or because of some enlightenment in his observations?

For now, Muslims have to wait in Australia

Australian Prime Minister announced a new policy of multiculturalism and Muslims immediately made a move to push sharia law in the name of pluralism. Just think of a system that does not treat members of others religions in any humane manner when Muslims are in majority, but makes its adherents demand some special Islamic privileges from non-Muslims governments when Muslims are in minority! How should one imagine such system?

With out writing a great deal on this episode, I rather give hyperlinks and quote paragraphs from those links.

Report 1:

Muslims to push for sharia    

THE nation's peak Muslim group is using the Gillard government's re-embracing of multiculturalism to push for the introduction of sharia in Australia, but it says it would be a more moderate variety of Islamic law that fits with Australian values.

The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, in a submission to a parliamentary inquiry into the government's new multiculturalism policy, argues that Muslims should enjoy "legal pluralism".

In an interview with The Australian, the organisation's president, Ikebal Adam Patel, who wrote the submission, nominated family law and specifically divorce as an area where moderate interpretations of sharia could co-exist within the Australian legal system..........

Jihadwatch website bluntly and very appropriately says (here): "Even if they(Muslims) presented a binding constitution of "moderate" Australian Sharia, it would be immaterial. Where it was in agreement with Australian laws, it would be redundant. Where it disagreed, it would be illegal."

So, 'hyped' moderate Sharia is irrelevant and not needed. Yet, what makes these Muslim leaders to push for its inclusion in Constitution?

Report 2:

Australian govt. rejects any inclusion of sharia in its constitution (at least for now)

Report 3: (Most of the time, we find that those supporting leftist political ideology, in the name of pluralism and multiculturalism support this kind of special laws; but here, we see two academics coming together, one is leftist and another is a Victorian, to oppose implementing sharia law in any form in Australia.)

Goodbye to rights under sharia

THE latest push to introduce sharia law in Australia has triggered an unlikely alliance by two professors of law with only one thing in common: they know a threat when they see one.

Civil libertarian Spencer Zifcak and constitutional monarchist David Flint are from opposing sides of the political spectrum. But they are united by a deceptively reasonable push for a form of sharia law in Australia.........

The latest proposal, by the Federation of Islamic Councils Inc, seeks to reverse that arrangement in at least one critical area: family law. If implemented, a form of "legal pluralism", or legal apartheid, would take root on Australian soil. Public policy debates on family law and other areas covered by sharia would be irrelevant to the entire Muslim community.

Many of the rights bestowed on Muslim women by Australian law would disappear. Decisions on property settlements and the custody of children after the breakdown of a marriage would depend on the religious councils of Islam.........  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

'Is Islamic India only future?'

The name of this post is title of a post that appeared in which must have been written by some non-Indian. What ever it be, does the name of the post look like giving apocalyptical scenario to Indian (Hindu) civilization?

Some people, mostly Hindus, instinctively dismiss this and label the author as an Islamophobic or as a loony with out even reading or attempting to understand and question various finer points raised by author; and as always they love to continue to indulge in wishful thinking in concepts of all religions are same, multiculturalism, peaceful co-existence, which itself results from romantic idea of Islamic history in India they are fed with.

But these people are ignorants - if not fools - who have no clue about teachings of Islam and functioning and dynamics of Islamic culture or society.

Coming to that post, I myself do not agree with some of his views i.e. bringing USA in to the picture; otherwise it is thought provoking, more accurately, it is a genuine warning to all Hindus if they do not want to be swept under carpet like Hindus in Pakistan were exterminated, and like extermination of Hindus in Bangladesh under progress (25% of population is down to less than 8% and continue to fall).

These figures or other facts of struggles of other religious minorities in other Islamic countries do not matter to these humanists, liberals or seculars and never appear in their views, yet they indulge in defending Islam in the name of humanity.

These figures also do not matter in the views of many people who rather like to say, 'Islam is fine because I know so and so Muslim or a Muslim guy who is good guy.' or 'I know a Pakistani who is just like us.' To be more insane, giving a reason like Shahrukh Khan said , "Islam prohibits killing of innocent people." But, who is innocent, dear?

Frightening, isn't it? Neither Islamic teachings nor genocides nor exterminations nor suffering of religious minorities in Islamic nations nor excessive demands of Muslim minorities living in infidel majority countries do never matter but one person or one guy makes my view.

Now, is Islamic India a possibility? I can say that it is not impossible considering what happened in Assam or what is happening in West Bengal.

Previously, there is one Muslim majority district, Murshidabad. In 2001, Maldah too became one; analysis says there must be two more Muslim majority districts like Uttar Dinajpur and Birbhum  [include the possibility of  24 parganas (south) too] according to 2011 census and many more districts bordering Bangladesh about to become Muslim majority in the near future. [Note: look at the pictures at the bottom of the post.]

With regard to Assam, its fate was sealed and evidence for this is results of recent assembly elections. Ugly face of Islam has brought out its tail of the hat and it is only a matter of time before it presents itself in full force.

Below is the post (link to that post here):

Jihad has come to India and, yet, the Obama administration along with State Department will tell you that it is nothing more than “isolated acts by individuals”. The government New Delhi is willing to go on record to suggest that will say you are “stirring up anti-Muslim sentiment.” The mainstream media will question as to how you can say that when we are hearing nothing about it from them. But it is real, and it is happening now. How do I know?! Well, that’s because I have seen it all through my very own eyes. The Obama administration’s studied denial will find us caught as flat-footed in India as we were in Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, and elsewhere. The only difference being: India is an economic and military giant, with nuclear weapons, and could be a cornerstone of any effective fight against radical Islam.

For several years now I have been fiercely vocal about the progressive radicalization of Bangladesh along with its nationals. Although it is the only country that ranks among the ten most populous and the ten most densely populated, as well as being the second largest Muslim-majority nation, events there do not capture people’s imagination. When you talk about India in the same context, however, people take notice. The thought of an Islamist dominated India scares the heck out of them and should. While our own strategic thinkers concentrate on internecine struggles in the Middle East, their obliviousness to the significance of an [Islamist India] has enabled our enemies to further their agenda.

I have spent many years journey along India’s 2545 mile-long border with Bangladesh, besides witnessing the impact Bangladesh’s radicalization has had on its giant neighbor to the west. Amitabh Tripathi, who has been fighting against what he calls his country’s “soft policies,” noted that Bangladesh’s Muslims “are not radicalized but their institutions are.” That radicalization and a level of corruption on both sides of the border that makes my fellow Chicagoans look like amateurs has already produced demographic change in many strategic areas of India. [With such ignorant people at the lead fighting for their existence, it may not be successful.]

It also has given Muslim activists carte blanche throughout the entire country. The process is deliberate, has been going on for decades, and should send us a terrible warning signal, not only because of what it bodes for India, but also because of what sort of future the Obama administration’s soft policies and tolerance for an open border to our south mean for the United States.

Each year in districts like Uttar Dinajpur and North and South 24 Parganas directly across from the Islamic state, my colleagues and I find that more and more villages which once had mixed Hindu-Muslim populations are now all Muslim or Muslim-dominated. Gone are the roadside temples characteristic of places where Hindus practice their faith openly; gone are the sights of Hindu women dressed in their colorful saris and other vestments. They have been replaced by mosques and burqas.

Each state, my colleagues and I find that more and more villages which once had mixed Hindu-Muslim populations are now all Muslim or Muslim-dominated. Gone are the roadside temples characteristic of places where Hindus practice their faith openly; gone are the sights of Hindu women dressed in their colorful saris and other vestments. They have been replaced by mosques and burqas. Last year, Tripathi and I met with Bimal Praminik, Director of the Kolkata-based Centre for Research in Indo-Bangladesh Relations and arguably the foremost authority on these population changes. He is convinced that this population shift is a deliberate and an integral element the jihad that threatens all of us: “Bangladeshi infiltration with Pakistani ideas… trying to ‘Pakistanize’ the entire region,” he said adding that that the dominant culture for South Asian Muslims has become more “Arabic,” than South Asian. [Such is the understanding of these fellows: I feel like shouting, "it is Islam, idiots."]

In 1947 when the British left, they partitioned the Indian subcontinent into Hindu and Muslim states. West Bengal went to “Hindu” India, and East Bengal (now Bangladesh) became part of Muslim Pakistan. While Hindu and Muslim majorities respectively, remains, exhaustive studies by Pramanik and others hold out little hope that things will continue that way..............

There is more and one can read from here .

For further reading: New Trinamool Congress Government in West Bengal May Encourage Muslim Violence

Most Pakistanis grieve for Osama: Survey

Proof of existence of liberal and moderate Islam?

51% of people surveyed in Pakistan said that they grieve for Osama Bin Laden while 33% said they were unconcerned!

This can be viewed with another opinion poll (conducted by Pew Global and it is here) which showed:

1.   69% of Pakistanis say influence of Islam in politics is positive while 6% say it is negative [In Indonesia, it is 91% and 6%; For Egypt, the corresponding figures are 85% and 2%]
2.   85% of Pakistanis support gender segregation and support a law in this regard.
3.   82% of Pakistanis said they support Islamic laws like stoning for adultery, cutting the hands of thieves for robbery.
4.   Over 76% of Pakistanis support Islamic law awarding death penalty to people who leave Islam to to other religion.

Interestingly, when this poll was taken (Year 2010), only 18% have positive views on Osama Bin Laden. Back in the year, 2003, 46% of Pakistanis have positive views of Osama Bin Laden! What explains the drastic reduction is many Muslims of Pakistanis became the victims of wave of Taliban and Al-Qaeda suicide bombings.

At the same time, Bin Laden's death at the hands of US received sympathies from 51% of population which means most Muslims consider violence in their country as a problem with in Ummah with no place for outsiders.

If some one is saying Pakistan is a moderate Islamic country, just ask them what does it mean and what is moderate Islam itself? Existence of moderate Islam is a myth created by media and politicians to comfort non-Muslims.

Coming to the report (here):

A majority of Pakistanis surveyed in a poll appeared to be aggrieved over the death of Osama bin Laden, with 51 per cent describing their emotions as "grief" though one-third said they were unconcerned by the incident.

The nationwide study was released by Gilani Foundation and carried out by Gallup Pakistan, the Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International. The poll covered 2,530 men and women in the rural and urban areas.

The poll was conducted among 2,530 men and women representatives of the adult population of Pakistan. They were distributed in the rural and urban areas of various provinces and districts and comprised a cross-section of various education, income, age and linguistic backgrounds.

In the following pages, you will read how Pakistanis responded to the questionnaire........    

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hindu 'Dalit' man abducted and raped in Pakistan

Islam is evil. It hides its evil and ugly political ideology behind the cloak of religion though it is not impervious to see its evil nature. In India, so called Muslim intellectuals and Islamic apologists in order to conceal the real nature of Islam, its ugly past reeking of imperialism and its future ambitions cleverly use the notion of caste differences in Hindu society in; in addition to these, caste system is also used to shut down discussion on Islam as many gullible Hindus do not have patience to read through Islamic teachings and its history.

Yes, there is caste system in Hindu society. But the rationalism should dictate that how this existence of caste system makes Islam less insane than it is or justifies what Islam stands for esp. in regarding treatment meted out to non-Muslims and women.

Or How this justifies Islam dividing the entire humanity in to Muslims and Kafirs and world in to Dar ul-Islam (HOuse of Islam) and Dar ul-Harb (House of war or House of non-Muslims)?

How does this justify Jihad whose aim is to convert Dar ul-Harb in to Dar ul-Islam?

To those Hindus talking about caste differences in Hinduism, I will only say this: Islam only sees whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim; it does not care about which caste one belongs to. It even does not care whether you believe in God or not; if one is not a Muslim, then he must be an enemy of Islam and they all are treated the same way i.e. they all have to pay Jizya and abide by contract of Dhimma which is inhuman and discriminatory.

Young Hindu was abducted from police station by a religious mob and his whereabouts are unknown. Police refuse to investigate

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a young Hindu scheduled cast man was abducted by a mob of hundreds of persons from a police station. The police stopped further investigation because of the involvement of a powerful religious group. Since his abduction on May 12, his whereabouts are unknown. This is the second time he was abducted. He was previously abducted by a group of local religious leaders including the leader of the mosque and kept in their custody, allegedly for nine months. The victim alleged that he was raped during his captivity and forced him to convert his religion by signing plain papers.

The high police officers of the district Mirpurkhas, Sindh have told the family members, leaders of the Hindu community and the lawyers that they could not do against the mob as there were chances of riots. Since then police have stopped the investigation into the case.

Instead of arresting the perpetrators police have arrested victim’s father and his two maternal uncles on the charges of abduction on the application of the Mosque leader. The mother and other family members are in hiding.

Please send the urgent appeal to the authorities to recover the young man and arrest the perpetrators for forcibly converting a religious minority person through sexual abuse......

To read the complete story, click here

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Two Muslim girls killed by their 'mothers' for marrying Hindu idolaters

These two mothers unfortunately do not understand that Islam allows intereligious marriages, at least according to Muslim moderates like Mr Sultan Shahin or Mr Ali Engineer, who show it as evidence for Islam being pluralist.

Just like the myth of Islam being pluralist and inclusive, their assertions on Islam allowing intereligious marriages is a blatant lie - to be more honest it is half truth -, of which those reformers were never ashamed of; because they knew in their hearts that Allah, Islamic god, perfectly allows telling lies to advance the ultimate goal of Islam i.e. world being ruled under Sharia law.

I needed to be more accurate on position of Islam on inter religious marriages - I mentioned this many times in this blog itself and to many non-Muslims in various discussions at other places - to remove any doubts of readers of this piece.

Let us question whether a religion which prescribes death penalty to those leaving Islam to other religion allows intereligious marriages?

Sure, it does. In its own way!

What ever be the extent to which a Muslim practices his faith, every Muslim believes Koran is a word from Allah revealed to Prophet Mohammad through Anger Gabriel. And Koran says these on inter religious marriages:
1. Muslim men can marry women from people of book i.e. Christians and Jews and of course Muslim women.
2. Muslim women can not marry men from other religions; it is forbidden (haram).

There is a glitch here regarding Islam allowing Muslim men marrying Hindu women or Sikh women. Considering that some Islamic schools (actually, only one school) have extended the option of paying Jizya to Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs - in the beginning, only Christians and Jews have this option of paying Jizya and for all others Islam gives only choice between death and converting to Islam - this provision of Muslim men marrying women of People of Book i.e. Christians and Jews can be extended to women from Hinduism too on parallel logic. Other than this line of philosophy, there is nothing in Koran or traditions of Prophet Mohammad, that permits Muslim men marrying Hindu women.

With regard to Muslim women, we can say nothing like it because there is not a single verse in Koran like 5:005 - which permits Muslim men to marry women from Christianity and Judaism -  permitting Muslim women marrying other than Muslim men.

Following two are the verses that guide social relations between Muslims and non-Muslims:
2:221 (YUSUFALI): Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you.......... 
5:005 (YUSUF ALI): ......(Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, [Christians and Jews] revealed before your time,- when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good). 
When Koran speaks so straight forward on this, it leaves no room for misinterpretation. Sharia (Islamic law) law advocates death penalty to non-Muslim men who try to marry Muslim women or try to develop any kind of relation with Muslim women (read clause 1 in the chapter @o11.10 from here).

But, what happens when Muslim women do marry non-Muslim men; Islam or Koran or Sharia law says such disobedient women be killed and this usually is discussed under the topic of honor killings in Islam; Sharia law does not punish parents who kill their children under tag of honor [here (this hyper-link is excellent) and here (regarding the incident of Harry Potter actress)) (or read clause 4 in the chapter @o1.2 from here]

Now, one can see the kind of inter religious marriages Islam allows; one can also see how conveniently some Islamic apologists lie or present half truths. 

One does not need to be super intelligent to realize that under this kind of setting, where Muslim men can marry non-Muslim women but Muslim women can not marry non-Muslim men, non-Muslims and their culture (or civilization) disappears in the long run. 

Islam is a closed system and totalitarian (fascist actually); every rule and every law in Islam is patterned to advance Islam and towards realizing Islamic goal of whole world under Sharia.

Newlyweds Zahida, 19, and Husna, 26, were strangled when they returned home after marrying men of their own choosing, police officer Anil Kumar Kusan said.

Marriages between Hindus and Muslims are rare in India and are frowned upon by both communities, although there are more instances of inter-religious marriages among the educated urban population.
Across India, many marriages are still arranged by families.

But with the booming economy and more women entering the workforce, such traditions are slowly giving way to love matches.

Centuries-old caste and community barriers still come into play, however, and there has been a spurt in "honour killings" in recent years across northern India.

Zahida and Husna were neighbours in Baghpat, a town in Uttar Pradesh state, when they fell in love with two construction workers.

They eloped and got married last week before returning home to make peace with their families, Kusan said.

The girls belonged to Muslim families and their mothers, both widows, were furious, Kusan said.

Initial investigations showed the mothers helped each other to strangle the girls.

The mothers were unrepentant, saying the girls had brought shame and dishonour to their families, police said.

Earlier this week, India's Supreme Court recommended the death penalty for perpetrators of honour killings, calling the practice barbaric and feudal.........

Or One can read from Indian Express (here)
Zahida and Husna sought police protection but SDM sent them home [Why?].......Two Muslim women in an Uttar Pradesh town, 40 km east of Delhi, allegedly killed their daughters because they had eloped and married migrant Bihari Hindu labourers, police said. The victims had sought police protection after they returned to their homes in Baghpat earlier this week, but the subdivisional magistrate sent them home to reconcile with their mothers.

“We killed them because they had brought shame to our community. How could they elope with Hindus? They deserved to die. We have no remorse,” Khatun and Subrato said Friday.

Imagine the uproar and outrage in the media and the circles of our seculars and liberals - who are also opinion makers - if Hindu women have been killed with statements like Hindu extremism, Hindu imperialism and Hindu bigotry or Hindu communalism! Remember, how the media made Priyanka of Bhopal a celebrity because she married a Muslim guy? Now the question is, are courts going to let those mothers go free because according to Sharia law, the marriage is not only illegal but mothers have right to kill their daughters? What will ulema say? Are they going to call these two mothers as examples for other Muslim women and mothers? Imagine the accusations against police department and Judge for turning over those two Hindu girls to their parents? It would be one hell of an opportunity for every idiot to show their credentials as liberal and secular in this cursed land, India.

Blasphemy law and State of fear

Blasphemy law of Islam is anachronistic. It is, nevertheless, a vital component of religion, Islamic culture and Islamic law (Sharia) as it is used to suppress any dissent or criticism of Sharia law itself. Totalitarian systems never tolerate any criticism and Islam is more than totalitarian system; combined with its ideology of expansionism by any means, it is fascist to the core.

With regard to non-Muslims, blasphemy law can also become an instrument in the hands of some Muslims to persecute, harass, victimize and threaten non-Muslims (as we have seen in the two previous posts) because of absurdity of law that can be seen from the fact that it rests entirely on the words of accuser.

What makes this blasphemy law more deadly and baneful is the resonance that accusation of blasphemy like burning of Koran, disrespect to Islam and dishonoring Prophet Mohammad strikes with Muslim masses; even rumors of blasphemy by non-Muslims are sufficient to trigger massive violence by Muslim mobs. The wide support for blasphemy law among Muslim societies can be seen from results of opinion polls conducted by pew and reactions of Muslims in Pakistan to killing of Salman Taseer. In Pakistan, after the birth of a rumor of blasphemy, even courts acquitting the accused will not save the victim.

There are apologetics who would say that poverty may be the cause of such irrational anger besides madrassa education. Are 500 lawyers showering rose petals on killer of Salman Taseer products of madrassas? Are those people who supported Salman Taseer in face book using English language and internet products of madrassas? The answer is clear for those who wanted to see what is right before their eyes; the answer is what is in Islamic sacred texts and what they say and their Prophet did. Good education or English education does not mean that Muslims are less likely to be Islamic or less likely to hate non-Muslims. It is proven beyond doubt that in most countries (esp. countries like U.K, Pakistan and U.S.A) well educated people are more Islamic than their parents were.

How is it that Muslims are so sensitive to criticism of their ideology (or to perceived slights or insults from infidels) apart from the fact that their holy and sacred texts condemn blasphemy and advocate death for blasphemy?  Is it not surprising that reports or rumors of blasphemy will bring out angry mobs on to streets while deadly suicide bombings like the latest suicide bombing that killed 80 Muslims in Pakistan do not produce similar outrage from Muslims? I just outlined some reasons for such outrage and also its (Blasphemy law) overall impact on society

Their (Muslims) view that Muslims are superior and are supposed to be dominant and rulers in this world coupled with the view that infidels are inferior, subhuman and perverted transgressors deserving suppression or subjugation for the sake of preservation of world - as Allah revealed these in Koran, it is only naïve on part of non-Muslims not to believe that Muslims do not believe in such things esp. after uncovering of what is taught in many mosques and Islamic schools – and its implication that superiors (Muslims) will never take or tolerate insults from inferiors (non-Muslims).

Added to this feeling of superiority, which in turn is alleviated by their past military conquests, feeling of humiliation resulting from the reality that USA or some infidel countries are dominating this world (or earth) and relatively low achievements of Islamic societies compared to others in many fields is simply another reason.

Finally, Blasphemy law serves Islamic purpose very well. Whether Christians in Pakistan have been terrorized by Muslims using allegations of blasphemy law or Coptics of Egypt and Hindus of Bangladesh (and also Pakistan) have been terrorized by abduction of their women, terror serves purpose of Islam in encouraging infidels to convert to Islam out of concern for their safety (here, here).

A Muslim commentator said that instilling terror in to hearts of non-Muslims is one of aims of Jihad and also a directive from Allah (verse 8:12). He also stresses terror is not just means but also an end state (here). All this means reducing non-Muslims in to a miserable state of fear and terror from which they dare not oppose discriminatory Islamic rule (or law) and continue living as non-Muslims with liability (i.e. paying jizya and accepting humiliation terms under Sharia); of course there is another choice available to non-Muslims: convert to Islam. (One can see now the idea of ‘no compulsion in Islam’)

Considering actions of Prophet Mohammad, there is more than basis in using state of fear, terror and therats to convert infidels to Islam and this approach is always open to Muslims as Koran says Prophet Mohammad was an example in moral code, ethics and conduct to Muslims to follow for eternity. If he did something, Muslims can very well do it. The Arabic expression to describe this kind of threat is 'aslim taslam' meaning 'be a Muslim and you will be safe'. As the following hadiths show, there can never be any real security to non-Muslims in under Islamic law or in Islamic society.
Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah." (Sahih Bukhari; vol. 1, book 2, # 25)
It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira who said: We were (sitting) in the mosque when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) came to us and said: (Let us) go to the Jews. We went out with him until we came to them. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) stood up and called out to them (saying): O ye assembly of Jews, accept Islam (and) you will be safe........He said to them (the same words) the third time (and on getting the same reply) he added: You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I wish that I should expel you from this land Those of you who have any property with them should sell it, otherwise they should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle (and they may have to go away leaving everything behind). (Sahih Muslim; book 19, # 4363)
Suhail reported on the authority of Abu Huraira that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said on the Day of Khaibar: I shall certainly give this standard in the hand of one who loves Allah and his Messenger and Allah will grant victory at his hand.......Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) called 'Ali b. Abu Talib and he conferred (this honour) upon him and said: Proceed on and do not look about until Allah grants you victory, and 'Ali went a bit and then halted and did not look about and then said in a loud voice: Allah's Messenger, on what issue should I fight with the people? Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger, and when they do that then their blood and their riches are inviolable from your hands but what is justified by law and their reckoning is with Allah. (Sahih Muslim; book 31, # 5917)
THE AFFAIR OF FADAK: When the apostle (Prophet Mohammad) had finished with Khaybar, Allah struck terror to the hearts of the men of Fadak when they heard what the apostle had done to the men of Khaybar. They sent to him an offer of peace on condition that they should keep half of their produce. Their messengers came to him in Khaybar and he accepted their terms. Thus, Fadak became his (Prophet Mohammad) private property because it has not been attacked by horse or camel. (Ibn Ishaq, page 523)
Every Islamic society and culture is conditioned by such teachings and in that atmosphere, the only way for non-Muslims to be assured of security is conversion to Islam which could explain why no. of non-Muslims is dropping in Islamic societies. At some point, the will of infidels to hold on to their native belief cracks down in the face of harsh constrains of Sharia law and hostility of Muslims.

3000 Christians in Pakistan flee their homes after court frees two Christians accused of blasphemy

All Muslims have to do is accuse or pass a rumor on so and so infidel that he/she/it desecrated Koran or dishonored Prophet to trigger spontaneous protests and violence against Christians. This incident also shows that courts acquitting accused persons of blasphemy is not going to help the accused as some Muslim mobs are taking the matter in to their own hands. Against all this, Muslims say Islam is a religion of peace.

Source: here and here
Christians in Pakistan recently fled when a Muslim mob attacked a seminary and accused believers of desecrating the Quran.

Roughly 4,000 Muslims recently attacked a Presbyterian seminary in Gujranwala and compelled 3,000 believers to flee the area. Pastor Eric Issac, who oversees a local Presbyterian church, was also arrested and falsely accused of burning the Quran.

Jonathan Racho, regional manager for Africa with International Christian Concern (ICC), says the attack may have been trigged by the Pakistani police's decision to release two Christians accused of insulting the Quran.

"This is not the first time that Christians have been persecuted in the area. On April 15, the Muslim radicals in the area accused Mushtaq Gill and his son Farrukh Gill of desecrating the Quran, and they got them arrested," Racho reports.

Police were able to prevent the mob from causing additional damage to Christian homes and churches near the region, but the ICC spokesman says the accusation is an easy excuse for Muslims to arrest believers, as the blasphemy law in Pakistan demands life imprisonment for those who commit the crime against the Islamic holy book.

"The Christians, we know they will never do that. It's like inviting a death sentence on yourself because of the reaction from the Muslims," Racho contends. "The situation in Pakistan is very precarious for Christians. All it takes is for someone to claim that some Christian has done this or that."

But he notes that 90 percent of the Christians in Gujranwala's Aziz Colony and Gulzar Colony have fled the region.

Another victim of blasphemy law in Pakistan: Bookshop owner accused of blasphemy in Sialkot

This must be quite an innovation, an Islamic invention, for the Muslim bussiness men to stay competetive esp. with respect to non Muslims. It is not surprising that this inhuman Blasphemy law is handy or useful for some Muslims to settle personal scores with kafirs.

One can read the original article from here.

Pakistan's infamous blasphemy law has struck again, this time in Sialkot city. The victim is a book store owner named Gulzar Masih.

Gulzar Masih and his muslim friend Abdul Rauf opened a bookshop 10 years ago and soon their business flourished, they expanded their shop to a much bigger one, seeing the success of the business Rauf wanted to take over the bookshop for himself and there were rifts between the two.To come to a settlement both partners agreed to go separate ways in 2009 resulting in individual bookshops named Delight books & New Delight books. Gulzar's unit began to thrive and his success was not acceptable to Rauf who refused to accept his own failure in running a shop as well as Gulzar, and unveiled a fiendish plan to try and close down his competitor; the bookshop of his former business associate.

Gulzar Masih’s son Suleman went early morning to open their shop on Druman Wala Chowk only to find some burnt pages of the Qur‘an under the shutter, and as pre-planned employees of Abdul Rauf began to shout, accusing Gulzar and his son of the crime.

The noise by Rauf's staff gathered more muslims from the area and passers-by who then attempted to attack Suleman but he was lucky enough to escape from the crowd and inform his father of the conspiracy.The mob then proceeded to set Gulzar's shop on fire, however Police reached on time and prevented the crowd from burning the shop and dispersed all those gathered.

Meanwhile, a Christian leader says “extremist elements are getting stronger” in his nation.
The  blasphemy law provides the death penalty for anyone who speaks ill of Islam or Prophet Mohammed or anyone who disrespects the Quran.

Gulzar Masih, his son and the rest of the family have gone into hiding leaving behind their bookshop to save themselves from the widely criticized blasphemy law that has destroyed lives of many Christians where a few false witnesses and some pieces of a Quran's page can frame anybody.

To date the maximum cases of blasphemy cases have come from Punjab, Sialkot city also comes under the Punjab Province where most of Pakistan's Christian community resides and it also records the most discrimination against minorities than any other place in Pakistan.

“The blasphemy law is being once more as a pretext to settle a personal score,” said Father Naeem Taj.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yet another case of abduction of infidel (Christian) women in moderate Pakistan

What we have here is another example of Islamic tolerance and moderate Muslim Pakistan. Of course, abduction of infidel women, both Hindus and Christians, and converting them to Islam before or after the forced marriage is a common practice and on going phenemenon in many Islamic nations esp. Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt (even in parts of West Bengal and Assam). These kind of things happen again and again because police's, who also happen to be Muslims, unwillingness to take action against such criminals, lax laws as they always have some kind of connection to basic tenets of Sharia (or Islam) and general view prevailing among Muslims that infidels are vermin-like; all these reasons should be sufficient to conclude Islam is 'truly moderate'!!!

Conversion to Islam before marriage is to make going back to normal state impossible otherwise Islamic law perfectly allows Muslim men to marry non-Muslim women but it will not allow Muslim women to marry non Muslim men , a tailor made system to wipe out traces of infidels and their culture in the long run.

Christian student nurse forced to convert to marry Muslim man
Lahore (AsiaNews) – A 24-year Christian woman from southern Punjab was abducted by a Muslim man who, after forcing her to convert to Islam, also forced her to marry him. Although her family filed a formal report of kidnapping, the police did not act immediately, either to stop the abduction or to arrest the culprits. Likewise, her family has gone to court to get her released to no avail; the young student nurse remains in fact in the hands of her kidnappers. This, according to a local priest, is part of an “alarming” trend in anti-Christian violence. He is, to put it mildly, “disappointed by the behaviour of local authorities”. A human rights activist confirms that the region of Pakistan where the woman lives is a “safe haven for extremists” who perpetrate abuses and kidnappings “with total impunity”.
Farah Hatim, 24, from Rahim Yar Khan, a town in southern Punjab, was training to be a nurse at the Sheikh Zaid Medical College, working in the orthopaedic ward. Last Sunday, she was kidnapped as she crossed Jinnah Park, which is located near the college where she worked.

Her kidnapper is Zeehan Iliyas, a young Muslim man working as an office boy at a local branch of the United Bank Ltd. With the help his brothers Imram and Gulfam, he abducted the young woman, ordering her to convert to Islam and marry him.

“This [Muslim] family has a history of kidnapping young Christian women and forcing them to convert,” said Bilquees Marriam, Farah’s mother, adding that they act with impunity because they are backed by a local Member of the National Assembly, who belongs to the ruling party.

The woman and her other six children went to the police to file the abduction report, but the duty officer refused to take a First Information Report (FIR).

The day after the kidnapping, the local Christian community rallied around the kidnapped woman’s family and began protesting against the violence against her and the complicity of local law enforcement. Initially, police tried to disperse the crowd but following the intervention of the superintendent of police, a FIR application was accepted and an investigation was launched.

However, the delay gave Farah Hatim’s kidnappers time to take the young woman to a district court under duress so that she could state that she had converted to Islam and would marry Zeehan Iliyas.

The judge, who failed to cross-examine the woman, especially with regards to the wounds to her body, simply accepted her statement as “valid”.

Zahid Hussain, the Hatim family lawyer, slammed the gross violation of the Farah’s rights and the faulty legal procedures. He said that when “someone makes a statement before a court, the judge must question the applicant alone in order to determine whether his or her decision was made under duress or by consent. In this case, the courtroom was full of people, including those who actively took part in her abduction and assault. The judge also ignored her wounds. [. . .] All this shows that she was forced to sign the statement”.

Last Tuesday, Farah’s family filed a second complaint, which the police has so far failed to pursue.

“Southern Punjab is a safe haven for extremists,” said Rizwan Paul, head of the human rights organisation ‘Life for All’. Indeed, local authorities and police are more interested in “protecting offenders” than in justice.

“We have highlighted several cases of forced conversions and brought it to the attention of the authorities, but they have turned a deaf ear to our complaints,” he said.

“It is a sad incident,” said Fr Sohail John, parish priest at Rahim Yar Khan. “We strongly condemn the kidnapping and the forced conversion. We are disappointed over the response of the local authorities. It is alarming that [. . .] the Punjab government has failed to protect the minorities” and is instead “protecting the culprit”.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Necrophilia (affinity to corpse) is halal

Fatwas are not new in Islamic world but reading those fatwas will make us think, 'Are they really serious?'. They must be serious because crazy ulema simply out shine those old ones with new fatwas but nothing can match this outlandish and obnoxious following fatwa:


Farhnan Qureshi's testimony on leaving Islam

Even in free countries like USA, Canada and other western nations, it takes courage to leave Islam to another religion or to declare openly apostasy. It is dangerous, involves risk and puts their life - itself - in risk. Farhan Qureshi - psychologist by profession and he is a preacher too - is known for defending Islam and its doctrines since ling time; he even has a website for that. So, his decision to leave Islam and declare it openly must be a shocker to many Muslims. Considering that Muslims boast about Islam as the fastest growing religion and parades new converts to Islam, will they respect his right to freedom of religion, choice and conscience?

Mr Qureshi could not have done this in any Islamic country - there are few Egyptians who converted to Christianity and suffered at the hands of establishment - and there is a chance that there are many more like him in Islamic countries who wanted to leave Islam but continue to stay in it for fear of reprisals.

Mr Ali Sina is right in observing that the only way to defeat Islam is through intellectual fight. But this not going to be easy as many Muslims have shut themselves down even to reading. But trust me, those who read even a bit of authentic biography of Prophet Mohammad will find it very hard to continue in their faith if they have conscience.

Mr Qureshi - in his testimony - writes:
"My apostasy has not been based on disliking Islam or its requirements rather it was based on a realization that Islam is in direct contradiction with contemporary knowledge involving and including science, philosophy, ethics, anthropology, and the field which I am most interested in, educated in and practice as my line of work, namely, psychology: the science and study of human behavior."
Islamic ethics are in direct confrontation with values we respect and stand for in present day world. What else really disturbed Mr Qureshi? For this, one has to read his testimony presented below (or one can read from here):

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Islam means submission, not peace

It must be clear? (here)

Five Suicidal Assumptions about Islam

Adopted from an article in

1. Islam is about Muslims – no, Islam is about everyone. Islam has rules about everything, and that includes non-Muslims. 61% of the Koran is about non-Muslims. It has rules about whether or not Muslims should befriend non-Muslims; about how to treat non-Muslims captured in war; about whether non-Muslim women can be raped; the attitude to take towards the possessions of non-Muslims. It literally controls the kind of relations - be it social or political - that should exist between Muslim and non-Muslims. Most of these rules are unfavourable or hostile toward non-Muslims.

2. Islam is a religion – there is a theme of personal salvation within Islam which gives it some similarities to other religions. However, this is not the main part of Islam. It is mainly a political and legal system with rules concerning the conduct of every imaginable subject from warfare to wiping your bottom. It is both highly political and very personal which may help to explain its huge capacity for taking offence. In a society concerned about discriminating against people on the basis of religion, the religious dimension of Islam can be exploited for political gain.

3. The word “Islam” means “peace” – actually, “Islam” means “submission”. The basic idea is that perfect submission to the will of Allah brings peace. How do Muslims know the will of Allah? By studying what Muhammad said and did. What did Muhammad say and do? He brought new lands under the control of Islam and told his followers to do the same. So Muslims bring new lands under the control of Islam. When the whole world submits to the will of Allah, there will be “peace”, as Islam defines it.

In the past, Islam conquered new lands by following Muhammad’s example of military conquest. Today, this is less feasible so Islam follows Muhammad’s example of migration (al-Hijra). This is a 3 step process: (a) migrate (b) multiply (c) dominate. (b) is achieved by new arrivals, having large families, and converting the host population. (c) is achieved by subversion, increasing intimidation, then revolution. (a), (b) and (c) are mutually reinforcing. For example, the power achieved through (b) and (c) can be used to block controls on (a) migration.

4. Because most Muslims are not violent it must mean that Islam is not violent 

The perception that most Muslims are not violent will depend on where you live. In those countries where Muslims are more dominant, they tend to be more aggressive. As a rule of thumb, where Muslims are a minority they are less violent. This goes back to the birth of Islam: when Muhammad had a small band of followers in Mecca, the message he gave them was peaceful and tolerant (“Let there be no compulsion in religion” is a favourite from this period); when he migrated to Medina and established dominance he and his followers became more violent (“Kill the unbelievers wherever ye find them” is a favourite from this period). The message he taught after migrating to Medina is saturated with violence. The principle here is that when Muslims are in a weak position, the Meccan message is uppermost; when they are dominant, the Medinan message is unleashed.

In effect, Islam is both violent and tolerant: when circumstances dictate, it is driven by the Meccan message; but, when circumstances allow, it switches to the Medinan message. Being a “good” Muslim and doing what’s right for Islam will change accordingly.

5. The best person to ask about Islam is a Muslim 

About 90% of Muslims know very little about Islam. Most Muslims do not study Islam for themselves; they get their opinions ready-made from their leaders and from sermons of mullahs in mosques. They don’t have an in-depth knowledge especially about their Prophet. Many Muslims are also in denial about the real nature of Islam. But they are completely aware of ultimate Islamic objective, in obedience to Allah, is world under Islamic law. Coming to believe that Koran is literal word from Allah, they think there is nothing wrong with it, in fact it is beneficial to humanity. 

Given what has been said about the Meccan and the Medinan messages, how do you know which message your Muslim is familiar with? And, if your Muslim knows the Medinan message is he/she going to tell you? There is a longstanding principle of using deception to protect the faith and the faithful in Islam which, as with all things Islamic, goes back to Muhammad’s own example.

Original article can be read from here