Note: A picture is added to the original post.
It is often mentioned here that hating disbelievers is intrinsic part of faith of Islam. Koran makes it clear that Non Muslims are followers of Satan and purely guided by their whims and who go astray in the pursuit. For this reason or for other resons, Allah hates and curses these Non Muslims, whose way of living is a potential threat, like seduction, to Muslims who are following the most righteous path. So when Allah hates Non Muslims, is it possible for Muslims to do opposite? Here comes the concept of Al-walaa and Al-baraa. Well it is better to know what it is about from an Islamic website rather than from an Islamophobe. And look at the below bus add put up by a Muslim Organization; what is really outrageous is the picture of dove in the ad, for when Prophet conquered Mecca the first thing he did at Kaa'ba was to break wooden Dove (Christian symbol representing Holy spirit; it is also symbol of peace with origins in Judaic and Christian theology.) with his hands. Even ignoring this, ad saying Love For All is a Islamic way of joke on Non Muslims.
There are many Islamic websites explaining this concept and for the sake of brevity only one version will be presented here. The website explains this concept of al-walaa and al-baraa in two parts (part 1 and part 2). Whatever is presented is directly from the Islamic website named
... Part 1: ....
The topic of Walaa' and Baraa' is of great importance for three main reasons:-
Firstly: that the concept of walaa' and baraa' is one of the greatest fundamentals of the Islaamic creed ('aqeedah).
Shaykh Ahmad ibn 'Ateeq, rahimahullaah, said: "There isn't in the Book of Allaah the Exalted - after the issue concerning the obligation of tawheed and the forbiddance of its opposite - any issue which has as so many proofs, nor so clearly explained, than the issue of walaa' and baraa'."
As regards walaa' (allegience), it is manfesting sincere love and help for Allaah, and for His Prophets, and for the Believers. Whereas baraa' (enmity) is manifesting enmity and dissociation from falsehood and its people. And these matters are actually from the most fundamental issues of faith (eemaan).
Thirdly: that because the concept of walaa' and baraa' is so central to the meaning of ‘laa ilaaha illallaah’, then any errors concerning it, actually means an error in understanding the very kalimah itself.
The meaning of ‘laa ilaaha illallaah’: It means "None has the right to be worshipped, except Allaah. So with this, the worship of all other deities has been negated; and worship has been affirmed for only Allaah alone."
The declaration of laa ilaaha illallaah implies having walaa' and baraa' for certain matters. The kalimah implies showing walaa' (sincere love and help) to Allaah, His Religion, His Book, His Prophets, and His righteous worshippers; as well as taking them as close allies and helpers (5:55). It implies dissociation for those who worship other than Allaah and enmity towards all that is worshipped besides Him (60:4). (It is directly saying all Non Muslims should be shown enmity.)
... Part 2: ....
Ibn Taymiyyah said: "The declaration of laa ilaaha illallaah requires not to love and hate, except for the sake of Allaah; neither should there be any walaa and baraa, except for the sake of Allaah; and that one should love and hate that which Allaah loves and hates."
Linguistically the word walaa' implies: love, help and drawing close. And baraa' is its opposite. Another term that is frequently used for baraa' is the term 'adaa (enmity).
So walaa and baraa are necessary consequences of the kalimah - as is proven from the Book and the Sunnah. Some of the evidences from the Book of Allaah include:-
The verses 3:28, 3:31-32, 4:89, 5:51 and 5:54 are quoted as evidence and here only 3:32 is shown for simplicity:
"Whoever loves for Allaah's sake and hates for Allaah's sake; has walaa for Allaah's sake and 'adaa for Allaah's sake will receive, because of this, Allaah's allegience and closeness (wilaayah). A person will not experience the taste of faith - even if he prays and fasts in abundance - until he is like this. Today the people in general base their friendships upon worldy affairs, but this will not benefit them at all [i.e. in the Hereafter]."
Shaykh Sulaymaan ibn 'Abdullaah said:
Ibn Taymiyyah said, “It is upon the Believer to have enmity for Allaah's sake and allegience for Allaah's sake. If the person is a Believer, then it is upon him to show allegience to him; even if he is wronged by him. …….. Whereas it is obliagtory to shoe enmity to the unbeliever, even if he gives you things and shows kindness to you. Indeed Allaah sent the Messengers, and revealed the Books so that the whole way of life would be for Allaah; so that His awliyaa would be loved, His enemies would be hated, and that honour and reward would be for His awliyaa, and dishonour and punishment would be for His enemies.”
"O you who believe! Do not take as intimate friends and protectors your fathers and your brothers, if they love unbelief over faith. And if any do so, then they are the wrong doers." (Verse 9:23)
However, this does not negate being just to them, nor treating them kindly when possible, nor giving to them their rights, nor desiring guidance for them. Rather, these things are prescribed, either as obligations or recomendations. (This is where one can see Islamic conscience; look at the words treating them kindly rather than on equal terms. This 'treating them kindly' only happens after Non Muslims have paid Jizya and agreed to live in subordination by recognizing the Islamic superiority.)
Summing up the creed of Ahlus-Sunnah in this matter, Ibn Taymiyyah said, “As for praise and censure, love and hate, allegience and enmity - these are things for which Allaah sent down His proof; and His proof is His Book. So whosoever is a Believer (mu'min), then it is obligatory to show allegience to him; whatever group he is from. But whosoever is an unbeliever (kaafir), then it is obligatory to show enmity to him; whatever group he is from…..”
It is often mentioned here that hating disbelievers is intrinsic part of faith of Islam. Koran makes it clear that Non Muslims are followers of Satan and purely guided by their whims and who go astray in the pursuit. For this reason or for other resons, Allah hates and curses these Non Muslims, whose way of living is a potential threat, like seduction, to Muslims who are following the most righteous path. So when Allah hates Non Muslims, is it possible for Muslims to do opposite? Here comes the concept of Al-walaa and Al-baraa. Well it is better to know what it is about from an Islamic website rather than from an Islamophobe. And look at the below bus add put up by a Muslim Organization; what is really outrageous is the picture of dove in the ad, for when Prophet conquered Mecca the first thing he did at Kaa'ba was to break wooden Dove (Christian symbol representing Holy spirit; it is also symbol of peace with origins in Judaic and Christian theology.) with his hands. Even ignoring this, ad saying Love For All is a Islamic way of joke on Non Muslims.
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There are many Islamic websites explaining this concept and for the sake of brevity only one version will be presented here. The website explains this concept of al-walaa and al-baraa in two parts (part 1 and part 2). Whatever is presented is directly from the Islamic website named
... Part 1: ....
The topic of Walaa' and Baraa' is of great importance for three main reasons:-
Firstly: that the concept of walaa' and baraa' is one of the greatest fundamentals of the Islaamic creed ('aqeedah).
Shaykh Ahmad ibn 'Ateeq, rahimahullaah, said: "There isn't in the Book of Allaah the Exalted - after the issue concerning the obligation of tawheed and the forbiddance of its opposite - any issue which has as so many proofs, nor so clearly explained, than the issue of walaa' and baraa'."
As regards walaa' (allegience), it is manfesting sincere love and help for Allaah, and for His Prophets, and for the Believers. Whereas baraa' (enmity) is manifesting enmity and dissociation from falsehood and its people. And these matters are actually from the most fundamental issues of faith (eemaan).
Thirdly: that because the concept of walaa' and baraa' is so central to the meaning of ‘laa ilaaha illallaah’, then any errors concerning it, actually means an error in understanding the very kalimah itself.
The meaning of ‘laa ilaaha illallaah’: It means "None has the right to be worshipped, except Allaah. So with this, the worship of all other deities has been negated; and worship has been affirmed for only Allaah alone."
The declaration of laa ilaaha illallaah implies having walaa' and baraa' for certain matters. The kalimah implies showing walaa' (sincere love and help) to Allaah, His Religion, His Book, His Prophets, and His righteous worshippers; as well as taking them as close allies and helpers (5:55). It implies dissociation for those who worship other than Allaah and enmity towards all that is worshipped besides Him (60:4). (It is directly saying all Non Muslims should be shown enmity.)
... Part 2: ....
Ibn Taymiyyah said: "The declaration of laa ilaaha illallaah requires not to love and hate, except for the sake of Allaah; neither should there be any walaa and baraa, except for the sake of Allaah; and that one should love and hate that which Allaah loves and hates."
Linguistically the word walaa' implies: love, help and drawing close. And baraa' is its opposite. Another term that is frequently used for baraa' is the term 'adaa (enmity).
So walaa and baraa are necessary consequences of the kalimah - as is proven from the Book and the Sunnah. Some of the evidences from the Book of Allaah include:-
The verses 3:28, 3:31-32, 4:89, 5:51 and 5:54 are quoted as evidence and here only 3:32 is shown for simplicity:
SHAKIR (3:32): Say: Obey Allah and the Messenger; but if they turn back, then surely Allah does not love the unbelievers.The Prophet …… said:
"Be sincere to every Muslim, and dissociate from the unbelievers."
"The strongest hand-hold of faith is to love and hate for the sake of Allaah."
"The strongest hand-hold of faith is to have allegience and closeness (walaa) and enmity and dissociation (baraa) for the sake of Allaah; and to love and hate for the sake of Allaah."Ibn 'Abbaas said:
"Whoever loves for Allaah's sake and hates for Allaah's sake; has walaa for Allaah's sake and 'adaa for Allaah's sake will receive, because of this, Allaah's allegience and closeness (wilaayah). A person will not experience the taste of faith - even if he prays and fasts in abundance - until he is like this. Today the people in general base their friendships upon worldy affairs, but this will not benefit them at all [i.e. in the Hereafter]."
Shaykh Sulaymaan ibn 'Abdullaah said:
"His saying: "has walaa for Allaah's sake" explains the necessity of loving for the sake of Allaah, which means: expressing allegience. It also indicates that mere love alone is not sufficient. Rather, it is essential that along with this love, there should be allegience, which is a necessary consequence of this love. This entails assisting, honouring, respecting and being with those whom you love inwardly and outwardly. His saying: "and 'adaa for Alaah's sake" explains the necessity of hating for the sake of Allaah, which means: displayig enmity by actions such as jihaad against the enemies of Allaah; dissociation from them; and being far from them, both inwardly and outwardly. It indicates to the fact that mere hatred in the heart does not suffice. Rather it is essential, that along with this, there should be a manifestation of its requirements; just as Allaah, the Most High, said:
"Indeed, there is for you a good example in Ibrahim and those with him when they said to their people: Surely we are clear of you and of what you serve besides Allah; we declare ourselves to be clear of you, and enmity and hatred have appeared between us and you forever until you believe in Allah alone-- but not in what Ibrahim said to his father: I would certainly ask forgiveness for you, and I do not control for you aught from Allah-- Our Lord! on Thee do we rely, and to Thee do we turn, and to Thee is the eventual coming:" (60:4)." (From this verse, one can clearly see that hate and enmity towards Non Muslims is always upheld as exemplary and as a virtue; and forgiveness towards Non Muslims is discouraged.)…………….
Ibn Taymiyyah said, “It is upon the Believer to have enmity for Allaah's sake and allegience for Allaah's sake. If the person is a Believer, then it is upon him to show allegience to him; even if he is wronged by him. …….. Whereas it is obliagtory to shoe enmity to the unbeliever, even if he gives you things and shows kindness to you. Indeed Allaah sent the Messengers, and revealed the Books so that the whole way of life would be for Allaah; so that His awliyaa would be loved, His enemies would be hated, and that honour and reward would be for His awliyaa, and dishonour and punishment would be for His enemies.”
"O you who believe! Do not take as intimate friends and protectors your fathers and your brothers, if they love unbelief over faith. And if any do so, then they are the wrong doers." (Verse 9:23)
However, this does not negate being just to them, nor treating them kindly when possible, nor giving to them their rights, nor desiring guidance for them. Rather, these things are prescribed, either as obligations or recomendations. (This is where one can see Islamic conscience; look at the words treating them kindly rather than on equal terms. This 'treating them kindly' only happens after Non Muslims have paid Jizya and agreed to live in subordination by recognizing the Islamic superiority.)
Summing up the creed of Ahlus-Sunnah in this matter, Ibn Taymiyyah said, “As for praise and censure, love and hate, allegience and enmity - these are things for which Allaah sent down His proof; and His proof is His Book. So whosoever is a Believer (mu'min), then it is obligatory to show allegience to him; whatever group he is from. But whosoever is an unbeliever (kaafir), then it is obligatory to show enmity to him; whatever group he is from…..”
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