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Monday, April 30, 2012
"Muslim rapists in Britain laugh after being sentenced to imprisonment" after kidnapping & raping 2 minor girls as part of their EID celebrations.
Sikh advocate brutally beaten, forced to convert to Islam in Pakistan
Child Beaten, Adult Charged with Blasphemy for Refusing to Embrace Islam...
Pastor Beaten by Turkish Radicals for Refusing to Convert...
Pakistani Official: 100 Women Abducted, Forced to Embrace Islam
3 Brave Sikhs Beheaded for Refused to Convert to Islam in pakistan
UK Police protect girls forced toconvert to Islam,even one girl was beaten up on the street for not convertingto
UK- A teenage Sikh girl guard bypolice who was 'forced to become Muslim'
Seven Hindu Children Abducted, Forcibly Converted to Islam...
'Pious' Pakistani Abducts, Converts and Sells Christian Girls...
(Australia) Firebombed Religious Minority Told to Worship Allah Alone...
Christian Charged with Blasphemy for Refusing Islam...
Religious Teacher Beats Christian Boy with Rod for Not Saying Muslim Prayers...
Pastor Declines Iran's Offer of Freedom for Endorsing Islam...
Algerian Christian Jailed for Refusing to Recite the Shahada...
18-Year-Old Christian Shot to Death after Refusing to Convert...
Christian Woman Jailed, 'Enticed' by Guards to Embrace Islam...
12-Year-Old Christian Girl Kidnapped, Raped, Forcibly Converted...
Muslims Beat Man with Iron Rods forRefusing to Embrace Islam...
Christian Girl Kidnapped, Beaten,Raped - But Resists Demand to Embrace Islam...
Two Christians Severely Beaten for Refusingto Convert...
Father Threatens to Kill Boy if HeDoes Not Embrace Islam...
Christian Families Flee After Child Refuses to Convert...
Two Coptic Girls Abducted and Forcedto 'Embrace' Islam...
Abduction and Forced Conversion of Christian Girl Called a 'Pious Act'...
Canadian Raped, Stabbed - Invited toEmbrace Islam..
'Hundreds' of Pakistani ChristianGirls Forced to Convert...
Rights Group: Indones
ian Military Forces 56 to Embrace Islam...
Hindu Family Forcibly Converted,Circumcised...
Pakistani Christian Ordered toConvert or Die...
Obama Ordered to Embrace Islam or Face Sharia Justice...
Russian Soldier Beheaded for Refusing to Convert to Islam
Beaten US Hostage Embraces Religionof Peace...
Wife of Jailed Christian Man Told to Convert to Islam...
Christian Students Abased, Pressuredto Convert (Pak.)...
Farm Woman Sentenced to Death afterRefusing to Embrace Islam
Kidnapped Girl Returns Home afterForced Conversion, Rape..
Egypt Refuses to Allow Muslim to Convert 'On Paper'...
Hindu Girl Kidnapped, ForciblyConverted to Islam...
Sikhs Ordered to Embrace Islam
Coptic Girls Kidnapped - Forcibly Converted...
Hindu Girl Kidnapped, Taken to MuslimSeminary, Forcibly Converted, Raped...
Indigenous Malaysian Tribes Forced toEmbrace Islam to Receive Development Aid..
Man Loses House and Daughter overRefusal to Embrace Islam...
Christian Professor Beaten forRefusing to Embrace Islam...
Christian Nurse Kidnapped, ForciblyConverted to Islam...
Widow of Christian Tortured to DeathOrdered to Embrace Islam
NJ Jihadist Beat Family for Refusingto Embrace Islam...
Two Christian Sisters Kidnapped,Forced into Marriage..
Ethiopian Christians ForciblyConverted to Islam...
13-Year-Old Hindu Girl Abducted,Forcibly Converted...
16-Year-Old Hindu Girl Survives Kidnapping, Forced Conversion and Rape...
12-Year-Old Christian Girl Kidnapped,Converted, Raped...
Christian Hacked to Death After Declining to Embrace Islam...
Middle Eastern Christians Invited toEmbrace Islam or Die...
Rare Escape by Coptic Girl fromAbduction, Forced Conversion...
Americans Offered Peace Plan: Accept Islam or Die...
Cleric Behind Kidnap, Forced Conversion of Hindu Girl...
Stockholm Bomber's Wife Converted 'Under Pressure'...
Hindu Girl Kidnapped, Forced toAccept Islam...
al-Qaeda Frees Spanish Hostage afterShe Embraces Islam...
8th Grade Christian Girl Kidnapped,Converted, 'Married'...
Man Beaten with Sticks for Refusingto Embrace Islam...
Christian Beaten Unconscious forRefusing to Embrace Islam...
Three Sikhs Beheaded After Refusingto Embrace Islam..
Report: 19-Year-Old ChristianKidnapped, Forced to Convert..
Filipinos Told, Embrace Islam or LoseYour Job...
UK Student Killed for Refusing toConvert to Islam...
Christian Girls (Ages 11 & 16)Kidnapped, Forcibly Converted and 'Married' Off...
Christian Girl Raped over Father'sRefusal to Embrace Islam...
Rape Victim Ordered to Convert toIslam...
Christian Killed after Refusing to'Embrace Islam'...
Abductee Refuses to Convert UnderTorture, Pays the Price...
Beheaded Engineer Chose Death Ratherthan 'Embracing' Islam...
Christian Refuses to Convert, Stabbed24 Times...
Hindus Told to Embrace Islam, Pay Up- or Else..
Burn Victim Who Refused to ConvertDies in Hospital...
Pakistan Christians Invited toEmbrace Islam or Die Horribly...
Saudis Force Christian Workers toConvert or Lose Job...
Christian Journalist Warned to'Embrace Islam' or Family will 'Suffer'...
Iran Releases Jailed Christians after Failing to Convert Them...
Hindus and Christians Invited to 'Embrace Islam' or Face 'Elimination'...
Pakistan Christians Attacked forRefusing to Convert...
Slain Christians had Been Warned forMonths to Convert to Islam...
Islamists Up the Violence to Force Christians to Convert...
Murdered Yemeni Jew Had Been Warnedby Killer to Convert or Leave...
20-25 Hindu Girls Abducted EachMonth, Forcibly Converted...
Pakistani Christians Told to Convertor Die...
Egypt Sentences Christian Woman toThree Years for Refusing to Convert to Islam...
18-Year-OldChristian Raped, Forced to Convert to Islam...
Korean Pastor Killed for Refusing toConvert to Islam...
Man Gang-Raped, Tortured for Refusingto Embrace Islam...
Nigerian Woman Sentenced to Stoningafter Declining to Convert
Hostages Forced at Gunpoint toConvert to Islam...
Girl Drugged, Raped, and Forcibly'Converted' to Islam...
Christian Girls Rescued after Kidnapping, Forced Conversions...
Christian Professor Forcibly'Converted' to Islam by Hamas...
Christian Children Kidnapped,Forcibly Converted in Nigeria...
1 comment:
Indian said...
Not many can afford to read these sad incidents. I am done reading just 3 or 4.
April 30, 2012 at 10:33 AM
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1 comment:
Not many can afford to read these sad incidents. I am done reading just 3 or 4.
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